Quedos: Measures to Reduce Spread of COVID-19
The world continues to grapple with the adverse effects of COVID-19, a pandemic that has left a trail of deaths across continents.
As Australia’s award-winning pool table manufacturer, your safety is our top priority.
In liaison with relevant authorities, we continue to abide by the stipulations put forward by the Australian Government & World Health Organization (WHO) in a bid to combat the spread of the Coronavirus.
The Health of Our Team Members Matters
In these unprecedented times, QUEDOS has been doing everything within its power to ensure that its workers (both office & factory), partners, customers, and residents are not prone to contracting COVID-19.
We acknowledge that the health of our larger fraternity precedes any other issue at this time, and we are willing to do even more to safeguard lives.
Measures That We’ve Put in Place
We are aware of the Australian Federal Government Department of Health fact sheets regarding the coronavirus epidemic. We will continue to observe what’s happening globally, while at the same time, accepting advice from appropriate Australian government affiliates.
Desperate times call for drastic measures. We are willing to go any length to adjust our plans to fit health recommendations from relevant bodies, and in the same breath, stay in touch with current information about COVID-19.
Health & Safety in the Workplace
As an industry leader in this sector, the health and safety of employees is our number-one focus. We are erecting measures to help curb the spread of Coronavirus in our work setting. As such, the following guidelines have put in place:
- We have requested any of our personnel who is in any way feeling unwell or has been in contact with anyone experiencing Coronavirus-like symptoms to isolate themselves for a minimum of 14 days.
- For any worker experiencing symptoms replica of flu, we’ve insisted that they see a physician and obtain a health clearance before resuming duties.
- We’ve called off any domestic and international travel plans for all our employees until a later date.
Visitors as a Weak Link
Preventing the spread of Coronavirus needs a concerted effort. And QUEDOS aims to play a crucial part in containing the virus. In full realization of the WHO social distancing policy, we’re enforcing measures to regulate members of the public who visit our premises.
They include:
- Limitation of non-essential visits to the workplace. Instead, we encourage the utilization of collaboration systems and video conferencing avenues at the earliest opportunity.
- We are also limiting access to the factory and showrooms. This measure applies to anyone who’s travelled overseas within the past 14 days. Or are depicting flu-like symptoms.
What about Interactions in External Offices?
We are doing everything possible to cut down on unnecessary interaction among employees in our respective external offices.
Instead, we advise our personnel to work from home courtesy of their expertise in online conferencing and other methods.
We continue to monitor the situation closely and, at the same time, sensitize employees to render their services from home. To avoid any setbacks, we have rigorously tested our systems and processes to cushion the firm against potential fallbacks and redundancy.
Shipments & Installations Expected to Continue Seamlessly
In anticipation of the COVID-19 crisis escalating sharply over the next few weeks, we’ve sought to increase our stock levels. As such, our customers should remain patient because we don’t foresee any shortages.
In full adherence to the daily developments in regards to the Coronavirus outbreaks, we will consistently keep tabs with the Australian Federal Government Department. This move will help us to provide our customers with a secure environment for onsite installation.
Production and Delivery of Pool Tables
We have a considerable stock of raw materials and accessories on-hand, and, as a result, we do not foresee any undue delays in the manufacture of pool tables for existing orders nor future orders in the short to medium term. We do not anticipate any unnecessary delay in the delivery of tables to our Eastern States customers – unless, of course, restrictions are placed by the authorities on interstate transport.
We aim to ensure that our employees and contractors can continue in good health to visit your homes and businesses and to continue to service existing and future customers.
Our delivery team may inquire as to your health to ensure that it is safe to come into your home or business. They will practice good personal hygiene, decline to shake hands, and endeavour to keep at least a meter and a half away from you.
Please Stay Safe in these uncertain times.