Quedos Billiard Tables

WA Hardwoods and Our Environment

Western Australian Hardwoods and our Environment

The South West region of Western Australia is home to an array of tree species. The main species used for timber production are Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and Marri (Corymbia calophylla) – both of which are unique to Western Australia – and to a lesser extent, Blackbutt (Eucalyptus patens). The timbers are internationally renowned for their beauty and, particularly in the case of jarrah, its strength.

The vibrant colours found in these majestic hardwoods range from salmon pink to rich red, creamy honey to golden tan, as well as various shades of sunburnt orange.

The species are internationally valued for their beautiful characteristics and unique properties in applications such as high quality furniture, flooring, cabinetry, decking and joinery.
The rings inside a piece of wood
Bridge Town Logs

The Forest Products Commission of Western Australia

The Forest Products Commission of Western Australia (FPC) is a government trading body created under an Act of Parliament to sustainably develop and promote the Western Australias renewable timber supplies.

The Commission’s sustainable management of timbers in South West native forests is independently certified to the Australian Forestry Standard (AS4708:2007) and the international standard for Environmental Management Systems (EMS ISO 14001).

As well as having the reassurance that our native forests are sustainably managed for future generations to enjoy, consumers can be confident that Western Australian timber products come from regrowth forests that are ecologically and sustainably managed to international standards for sustainability.

Buying Western Australian timber products supports local manufacturing and local communities.

A message from Dr. Paul Biggs

Former General Manager, Forest Products Commission, Western Australia

Australia is home to many of the world’s most beautiful hardwoods, while Western Australia is host to some of the nation’s best. Jarrah is one of the finest and well-known tree species for use in timber products and manufacturing. The beautiful finish, hardness and durability of Jarrah has made it a popular choice for home and leisure use, giving rise to an important domestic and export industry.To ensure that our children, and theirs, can enjoy the beauty of Jarrah and other native hardwoods the Western Australian Government has reserved all old growth forests, established a comprehensive, adequate and representative (CAR) forest reserve system, and given statutory effect to the principles of ecologically sustainable forest management (EFSM). The supply of resource to the timber and manufacturing industries is now supplied from regrowth forests.Seeing our regrowth native timbers shaped into delightful pieces of furniture by gifted craftsmen and artisans is a truly satisfying experience.

The Western Australian Government supports the use of our native timbers in furniture and leisure use. It is heartening to be part of an integrated forest products industry that has the capability to produce inspiring designs that will be long valued as a family heirloom.
The Quedos factory in action
A busy saw mill south of Perth Western Australia
For more info please contact us

WA Jarrah

A jarrah tree in Western AustraliaJarrah is a medium to tall tree growing up to 50 metres in height and 2 metres in diameter in the south-western corner of Western Australia. It is a unique Australian hardwood renowned for its versatility durability and strength.

Jarrah is very resilient in harsh conditions partly as a result of its unique root system. A young jarrah seedling develops a woody swelling (lignotuber) at ground level which provides a nutrient store and contains many dormant buds. If a jarrah seedling is damaged by fire or grazing by wild animals, it can quickly reshoot from the lignotuber. In the jarrah forest it is common for a pool of lignotubers to be lying dormant on the forest floor awaiting their chance to grow into trees.

Jarrah timbers reflect the hues of the Western Australian landscape. The heartwood varies in colour from rich reds to browns. The texture of the timber is moderately coarse and even-textured grain, although some interlocked, wavy grain may feature, creating interesting fiddle-back figure. This makes it an appealing architectural and design material.

Jarrah’s decorative qualities make it prized for use in furniture, such as pool tables.

WA Marri

West Australian MarriMarri is a distinctive bloodwood native to Western Australia and is widespread in the South West scattered in amongst the jarrah and karri forests.

Marri is a medium to tall tree growing up to 40 metres in height. It readily regenerates from either seed or lignotubers.

It is commonly known as ‘red gum’ due to the gum (or kino) that occurs extensively throughout the wood. This contrasts beautifully with the yellow to pale brown heartwood, while the 40mm wide sapwood is noticeably paler and often tending to white. Marri has a rather coarse but even texture with slightly interlocked grain. Gum veins are common.

In the past, few timber millers produced it, however marri’s feature grain has become more popular in recent times for making fine, handcrafted furniture.

WA Blackbutt

Australian black butt in a forest WA blackbutt has the common name ‘yarri’. The name came about due to the tree’s appearance after bushfire, whereby the buttress – or butt – was significantly darkened.

WA blackbutt is usually a tall tree up to 45 m in height, with diameter at breast height to 1.8m and a relatively large straight bole.

It has a natural distribution that coincides closely with that of jarrah (E. marginata), from near Perth in the north to Albany on the south coast.

The heartwood ranges from golden yellow to pale brown, although occasionally a slight pinkish colour may be present. Blackbutt has an even texture and generally straight grain making it appealing for interior use applications.

A strong, durable hardwood, blackbutt can be used for a range of structural, exterior and interior applications including framework, decking, flooring and poles.

Quedos respects our natural resources

Western Australia has been blessed with some of our planet’s most incredible timbers and the nation’s finest hardwoods such as Jarrah (the best known), Marri, Sheoak and Blackbutt.

Western Australian hardwoods and the superb furniture created from them represent one of Australia’s most important assets. The incredible workmanship involved in making one of our timeless pieces will provide relaxation and enjoyment for generations to come.

The rich dense texture of these hardwoods used in the pool and snooker tables crafted by Quedos technicians, naturally provides a pure, flawless rebound.

Natural features such as gum vein, birds eye and pin holes are natural characteristics of timber, making each pool table unique. No two pool tables are the same, even if they are from the same species, the same age and the same area – there will always be a variation in colour, tone and marking.

Quedos respects our natural resources. Every one of our tables in our magnificent Designer Collection is crafted from fallen or recycled timber, resourced from massive old trees left to the elements. To us they are a gift from nature deserving the respect of age and the skilled attention of our Quedos craftsmen, who cut, turn, and sand the components that go into our impeccable tables.

We are particularly proud of our genuine recycled tables. The Quedos table that graces your leisure room may once have been a jetty, a wool store or a mansion. The textures and rich patina of aged timbers cannot be imitated.

The Quedos philosophy is that natural resources are precious and should not be wasted. With this in mind, we take the old and create a unique piece of furniture.
“In these days of throw-away consumption, it is a joy to behold the
beauty of natural Jarrah, featuring innovative design, and built to last”
         Wilson Tuckey – former Australian Minister for Forests and Conservation
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